Thursday, October 21, 2010


One of the features of Cataclysm is that it is bringing all mounts to the same speed.  That is, how fast your mount goes is dependent upon how high your riding skill is.  So if you have trained up to the 280% riding skill all your flying mounts will go at 280% speed.  Previously  each mount had a particular speed assigned to it.  Mounts which were 310% speed used to be very rare, and that was the only way you could fly that fast.  Blizzard changed that by introducing [Master Riding] which could be bought for 5000 gold.  Anyone with a 310% mount already would get the riding skill for free, otherwise you have to pay.  I would say this change is an overall good thing but had one very bad effect.

Many people work at a whole year's worth of holiday achievements in hopes of getting the violet proto-drake which can fly at 310% speed.  This isn't something you can speed up with more work, you literally have to wait all year long for the holidays to happen.  Also, some of the holiday achievements are 100% luck based, so a couple of bad drops and guess're out of luck.

I was one of these unlucky few.  The Hallow's End holiday is particularly luck based.  All I needed was a darn sinister squashling to drop last year and I would have had the violet protodrake many months ago.  Then here comes 4.0.1 patch a week before the holiday and of course I thought I was going to have to pony up all that gold and my hard work would be for nothing.  Thankfully blizzard implemented a hotfix on Tuesday which allows anyone who can get this holiday meta-achievement in the future to get 310% riding for free.  Thank you blizzard for listening to the people on that one!


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